Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

This was the first movie that Candice and I saw together since Juliet was born, over five years ago. We've both been to movies separately, but for some reason not together since

It was entertaining and engaging, but not a masterpiece. Candice said it gave her a headache because it was too loud and frenetic. I liked it, but I don't think it will get (or deserves) the Oscar for best picture, though it was nominated.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Yes, I got one for Christmas...a Wii. So far, it's pretty fun, but mostly seems like just a novelty due to its motion-sensitive joystick. Wii Sports, which came with the box, is OK, but I wasn't too impressed with the Star Wars Lightsabre duel game. Candice loves the 3D Pinball game, though.

I think I'll be more impressed when I find some truly interesting games.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Big Lebowski

For no particular reason, I was thinking about this movie. It is one of my favorites, from the Cohen brothers, who have made LOTS of great movies. But this one is just so quirky and funny. The Dude Abides, indeed.

I guess I just sometimes wish I were The Dude, takin 'er easy for all of us sinners, as the man said. Well, I'm not, and I have a real life with responsibilities (some of whom I love more than life itself!) but I can drink White Russians, and relax in other Duderific ways and laugh at this crazy Chandleresque burlesque....

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hoping for a better '09

We celebrated the New Year at our lake house, taking a brief break from our daily routine at home. Candice's mom, K.B., kindly visited and helped to look after my dad while we were gone.

We drove up to Yosemite for lunch at the Ahwahnee Hotel, and then spent a few minutes sledding at the Crane Flat snow play area. It started snowing on our way out of the valley, and we had to put chains on Candice's car for the first time, which was something of an adventure.

Anyway, we're all hoping for a better year. For Juliet, a big change will be that she will start going to school for a full day, rather than half day. That will give Candice a bit more free time, which she can surely use.