So once or twice a year, I invite some of my best (male) friends up to our lake house (aka The Relaxin' Shack) for a 3(ish) day weekend of golf, hiking, steak, scotch, and other fun pursuits. It's a few days to party, hang out, and generally chill without the responsibilities of the real world.
I used to call it the"guys weekend," but as a screening of The Big Lebowski has become traditional, I decided to re-brand it as the "Dudes' weekend." This time, we're missing a few of the usual suspects (I'm looking at you, Jay & Gary), but we'll soldier on somehow.
In a few weeks, school will be out and the girls will head up there for the summer... but for this one weekend, the Relaxin Shack becomes the pad of the Dudes, or Duders', their Dudenesses, Or El Duderinos, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Can't wait! :)
Randy if you read this, could you email me regarding your S4, d o c y e l l o w b i r d [at] g m a i l of course no spaces! Thanks!
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