Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ft. Worth Round-Up

Just returned from the Texas Jack Assn. biennial "Round-Up" held this year in Ft. Worth, TX.  It was the first (and likely last) round-up that I organized....or master-minded, anyway.  Candice did much of the work of making the arrangements.

Every thing went smoothly, thankfully.  We were subjected to a loud thunderstorm on one night and some rain showers, which helped to cool things down a bit.  Although it was a small round-up, many people told me how much they enjoyed it.

Meantime, California was on fire... The Trabing fire broke out near our house, several miles away, but still too close for comfort.  Poor Jason, who was housesitting, called in a panic wanting to find the cat carriers.  He had to fight two hours of traffic to get down here from Scotts Valley (Beulah Park, actually), which is normally about a 15 minute drive.  Fortunately, no evacuation was necessary.

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